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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Week 9: Podcasting, Papers, and Practicality

This week is the crunch before the end of Winter term. I am neck-deep in writing final papers, making my first podcast episode, and practicing practical theology.

For my Practical Theology Final Paper, I am examining how to exist in the space between grind culture and my own spiritual belief that our worth is not tied to our productivity. My project, which has taken weeks and included extensive interviews (I know, it is rich with irony), is finally coming together.

Here are the pool of questions I used for my interviews. I leave them here for you to ponder:

Questions for Interviews

  1. Do you think you tie your self worth to your productivity? Why or why not?

  2. How many hours a week are you busy or scheduled?

  3. We have joked about being “human doings” instead of “human beings,” how does that show up in your life?

  4. Do you see opportunities for seminary as a place to practice how you want to be in the world?

  5. What do you think of rest?

  6. How do you feel when you have unscheduled time?

  7. Are you comfortable with silence?

  8. How do you feel when you miss a deadline?

  9. Have you ever missed something important to you because you felt like you “had to” work or study?

  10. Do you set alarms?

  11. Have you missed a Group meetings? Why or why not?

  12. Is this Group a priority for you? Why or why not?

  13. How has this Group served you? How does it not?

  14. How have the changes in your life (health crisis, job loss, empty nesting) impacted how you think and feel about yourself?

  15. How often do you engage in personal reflection?

  16. How often do we engage in group reflection?

  17. Are you a good living realization of your values and beliefs?

  18. Is our group a good realization of our collective values and beliefs?

  19. Does this community/these relationships hold you to accountability?

  20. Name practices around decolonizing your life.

  21. Do you engage in relationships and formation practices to promote liberation?

  22. What is your North Star?

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