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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Week 5, Happy to Be Alive

Iliff's schedule usually includes a week called, Gathering Days, that always falls mid-term. It is the time when distance learning students come to campus for one week for class intensives, community, and celebration. This week was intended to be my first experience with Gathering Days, but due to the pandemic it was, once again, cancelled. The bright side? I finally got to meet my buddy, Jessi in person. I am so grateful that Jessi decided to fly out, despite the canceled events so that I had the change to give her hugs, sit and have long conversations, and get to know her better. It was a joy.

I also took some time this week to visit Emma and Hunter, in what I hope will be a birthday tradition. Getting out of my house (and city!) was so good for my mental and emotional health. The California sunshine, seeing my kid, and resting was just what my heart needed.

There have been times in my life when I never thought I would live to see myself be an old lady, but I am so very grateful that I am getting the chance. In this time of pandemics, environmental catastrophe, mass shootings, and more, I hope to never take a single day for granted.

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