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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Week 2, Death, Happiness, and Theology

This quarter is filled with fascinating contrasts. Reading simultaneously about death, happiness, and expanding my knowledge of systematic theology is proving disorienting, yet fruitful.


In my class on Funeral Praxis, I am struggling with some of the basic assignments premises. for example, how can I write about the challenges of presiding over "difficult" circumstances, when I disagree that any of the proffered examples offer anything that would earn them the label. Why would writing a service for a member of the LGBTIQ+ community be any different? I also struggle with the fact that there are ministers who will not do funerals for people who committed suicide, are not Christian, who were unvaccinated, etc. Everyone deserves the honor of a ceremony when they transition out of this life. Everyone's friends and family deserve space to grieve and honor their loved one's life.


In the history class called, The Pursuit of Happiness, we are wrestling with the term eudaemonia. It is a great substitution for the idea of searching for happiness. Eudaemonia encompasses more than just the emotion of happiness, it is about purpose, feeling connected to the interconnected web of existence, a contentment with who you are, and an open curiosity to continue growing and changing.


I am finding it interested that some people of other denominations are struggling with the ideas behind our Practical Theology methods. I sincerely believe it is easy for me because the process is built in to being a Unitarian Universalist. We accept responsibility for constructing our belief systems, and oftentimes that means we have deconstructed an old faith in order to incorporate new information and experiences. Our denomination even had a regular course called Building Your Own Theology. I am finding that our 7 Principles and 6 Sources are an excellent scaffolding for working through theological questions.

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