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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

The world is burning

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

This weekend sucked ash. Amid numerous forest fires around Colorado, a new one started right near my apartment. The Calwood fire was frightening, beautiful, and devastating. I found myself mesmerized by the smoke plume and I was not alone, people were lined up near the dog park, around Coot Lake, and by the Reservoir. The photos and live streams on social media were heartbreaking.

We watched the fires creep closer and closer over the course of the day. By evening, it was less than five miles away. The smell of smoke, the ask falling from the sky, and the eerie glow of the fire in the plumes of smoke made my heart ache. My mind keeps focusing on the trees, animals, and insects that are being devastated. I mourn for the family's who lost their homes and agonize with those who faced terror as they tried to escape with their family, possessions, and animals.

Despite the fact that my apartment was still outside the evacuation area, we opted to leave. It would be difficult to sleep with the fire so close. Emma and Hunter helped me gather my most precious possessions and some basic clothes and toiletries and we headed out.

Fortunately, we were able to return and all is well. But even as we arrived back, a new fire started nearby. The evacuation areas grew until the 2 different fire evacuation maps merged. It is several days later, and I still occasionally have to place damp towels at the base of my doors to prevent smoke from filling the apartment. In a burst of optimism, I finally unpacked my things, but I will remain able to leave quickly if need be. My hope is that the snow expected soon will help.

While it was a difficult weekend, what really strikes fear in my heart is that this is going to be a regular part of life. Our climate crisis is here. As I read about melting glaciers, more fires, a hurricane season that exhausted the alphabet, and more, the shift seems obvious. We are reaping what we have sown. Perhaps now we can vote out the people who enjoy watching the world burn and make a massive shift away from this path of self extermination.

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