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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Spring Week Three

Mia Mingus, once again, stabbed me in the heart with some of what Resmaa Menakem calls Clean Pain. In the video, What is Accountability, she suggests that Transformative Justice starts with self-accountability-- being accountable to the harms we cause ourselves. She points out that since most of us are in abusive relationships with ourselves, that is where we need to start building trust and generosity. If we can have self-accountability that will “lay the groundwork.” I really loved the definition of self accountability as living in alignment with my values. I think many of us mistake accountability as an admission of guilt. However, the video provided a richer understanding of how accountability is really about...

  • Staying in community

  • Tolerating people without tolerating harm

  • A skill; a practice; a muscle we can strengthen

  • Relational

  • Non-shaming/non-judgmental

  • Meant to transform you and the community

  • Shifting away from punishment culture

I think it speaks volumes about our society that everytime I hear someone lay a foundational argument, or biblical support for loving ourselves, others, and community, it still seems to feel strange wrapped up in this culture of punishment and harm. I am trying really hard to hold space for that kind of transformative love while also digesting the fact that I attend a school where they displayed, with pride, a book of Christian history bound in the skin of a human being.

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