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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Spring Week 10, One Year Down

View from a hike I took near Button Rock to celebrate turning in my last assignment.

This quarter, I read more than a dozen books, 40 articles, and attended more than 25 zooms. This week I wrote more than 60 pages. I turned in all my papers, projects, journals, assessments, discussion posts, and evaluations. I attended my final Zoom meetings. I am done.

After a year filled with pandemic isolation and my first full year of seminary, there is much upon which I can reflect. But I am too exhausted to do it now. I am taking my vaccinated ass off to a series of trips to see many of the people I love most in the world, most of whom I have not seen in over a year. Reflection will happen later, for now... I need to go be in the world.

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