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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Screw your courage to the sticking place

The spring and summer have been a flurry of protests with all new places and faces. I am expanding my courage with experiences like almost being run down by a Jeep plowing through our peaceful protest, witnessing a shooting, and being shoved away by police while standing with my unhoused neighbors. This is a chance for everyone to screw their courage to the sticking place. Whether it is showing up in person, showing up by making your voice heard, harassing those in positions of power who need to make changes, or voting- there is so much to do. The antidote to hate is love. And love is a verb. Now stop reading this and go listen to the BIPoC, LGBTIQ+, Immigrant, and other voices that should be amplified!

Chinga la Migra, Buddy

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