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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Reserved for Crackpots

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

I have several concerns about attending seminary. First, I am not Christian. I have not picked up a bible since taking a humanities course in high school in the 1980s. How in the hell am I going to keep up with graduate level academic work on texts and contexts of which I know almost nothing? Will any exegesis be relevant to my non-Christian ministry?

I chose Iliff School of Theology for several reasons. First, to confront the areas in which I know I am lacking. Secondly, for its reputation and focus on activism. Add to the mix that Colorado is beautiful and closer to more of my family than Chicago and Boston, and Iliff had a lot going for it.

I do not know much about Christianity, despite it being the dominant religious hegemonic force in this country. Basically, it is a huge gap in my knowledge and I want to fill it. I am certain I could have learned about it at a UU seminary, too, but I needed to go beyond that because...well, I am scared shitless of Christianity. That is not an exaggeration. My experiences with the faith have been frightening and unhealthy. Reading about Christians in the news, I find stories of communities denying climate change, leaders trying to use conversion therapy, and Supreme Court nominees belonging to churches where they still willingly use the term, Handmaiden. Just like so many other times in my life, I feel compelled to run straight towards my fear. How better to break through my prejudices than to jump straight into the fire? So, here I am (gulp).

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