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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

Imagining Community After Chaos

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

History (and Herstory) is filled with examples of how communities survive trauma. In my class, Imagining Community After Chaos, we are looking at examples such as the exiles from Jerusalem and the Black Plague, and slavery to see the impact and recovery. Humankind has demonstrated tenacity, resilience, and creativity in the midst of some massive challenges.

We each have our own path to navigating these chaotic times. As we endure a global pandemic, climate catastrophes, political division, and more, what can we take with us to make the future better? These conditions have laid bare the systems of oppression that serve as the foundation of so much of our lives. The rawness of these challenges has brought our priorities to the surface. The space and time have provided the chance to imagine a new way forward. We are beginning to realize that there is no return to normal. There is only a new normal and as Grandma Addams says, "Define normal." How do we want to define our new normal?

Moving forward, we could move away from independence and towards interdependence. We could walk in partnership with the most vulnerable. We could commitment to a sustainable way to live. We could rethink our purpose, our time, our energy. We could strip the systems of oppression away. We could find the courage and creativity to try something new. So, while I prepare to hibernate these next few months, I will be imagining ways to build a new community when I emerge from my cave.

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