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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot


This blog was a way for me to mark my journey as I navigated a massive life change and pursued my MDiv and ordination as a Unitarian Universalist minister. However, in the Spring of 2022, I had to draw back from numerous projects after the death of my chosen-daughter. Grief requires a great deal of time, energy, and attention from us. I took deliberate space and time away from school and deferred my pursuit of the required Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) and internship just so I could juggle the basics of life for several months. When I was able to get back into the flow, I still had to honor my limited capacity and prioritize. This blog had to be gently set aside.

2 years later, I find myself coming back. There has been so much transformation and transcendence in these years, I hope to capture some of it before moving on to the next great adventure.

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