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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot


Updated: Nov 23, 2020

There is not much that I have not done during my time as Director of Congregational Life at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder. I have been responsible for the Buildings and Grounds, been the Membership Director, run Small Group Ministry programs, helped run the Pledge Drive, been part of worship services, and I could go on and on. As my mentor told me recently, the time at this church may be the most beneficial "class" I take while pursuing ministry.

Moon peeking through the stained glass window at UUCB

An important part of Unitarian Universalism is the concept of Covenant. Covenant is the way in which we, as a faith community, agree to be together. There is such value in conscientiously coming together to set up the parameters of interaction and purpose. Being human we will always slip out of covenant with each other, but calling each other back in can be the key to healthy spiritual homes.

I have been thinking a great deal about how broken covenants must be addressed. What if we carried this idea outside the groups, committees, and churches of UUism? There are many covenants broken in this world. As the pandemic lays bare the precarious and vicious nature of the systems of oppression that are the basis of life in the US, we must all find ways to stay in covenant with each other.

However, there are also times when a covenant is broken and can't be mended. Sometimes things rip apart because they are like an old shirt that is two sizes too small. Every time you move, some seam is stressed. Broken covenant can be an awakening to when something no longer works and it is time to move on. How can we keep putting on a shirt that we already know is too small for us?

I am leaving UUCB grateful for all the opportunities, growth, and learning. The community is generous and big hearted and I am a better person for knowing them. Of course, the absolute best part of my time there was Ingrid, Bryant, Anibal, and Elizabeth. I leave a piece of my heart at UUCB with them. I am thankful for their patience, love, and laughter. There are always pockets of goodness in this world and if you are looking for one, you can find it with them. 💛

UUCB with smoke from the forest fires elizabeths

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