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  • Writer's pictureBeth Elliot

A new beginning...

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

This year had been filled with massive change. After losing the love of my life, I left behind my lovely life in New Mexico. My daughter had began her own adventure in California and my other "kiddos" were thriving in their own lives. I dissolved my business, left my job at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Albuquerque, packed up my house and left it (and my blind, toothless cat Izik) in the loving care of my mother. Moving hundreds of miles away from everyone I love in order to start a new job as the Director of Congregational Life at the UU Church of Boulder. I also did it to apply for seminary. A dream that had been brewing for years but felt outlandish. However, I took the risk and now find myself as an Aspirant Candidate for Unitarian Universalist ministry.


I was beginning to settle in to this new life just in time to have a global pandemic decend on us all. Sigh.

Here I am nearly a year later and everything is changing again. I left the Director job last week in order to focus on seminary. The life I so carefully crafted over this year is already over and the new adventure is upon me. Good thing there is nothing else unsettling going on in the world.

This blog will serve as a record of this crazy time. So, if you want to see why a crazy, old, atheist would give up everything comfortable and safe to go to seminary, stay tuned. I promise that the tale is filled with crazy wonderful people, lots of mistakes, and a certainty that this is exactly where I need to be.

Field of wildflowers near my new home

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