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About Beth...

Beth considers herself to be a theologically heretical crone who swears a lot. She has over 10 years experience in End-of-Life work, has served as CEO for two companies, and thrives as a teacher. She recently graduated with a Master of Divinity and is pursuing ordination as a Unitarian Universalist minister. 

She has served in several Unitarian Universalist churches as Membership Director, Justice Coordinator, Director of Congregational Life, Intern Minister, and as a contract minister.

For many years Beth specialized in Peaceful Parenting advocacy. She has experience with elementary 

through high school students. Working with children facing death, their own or that of a loved one, is one of her passions.


She has been intrigued with the Radical Unschooling movement and is passionate about bringing similar principles to the ideas of religion and church. What are the creative, innovative ways we can reimagine our faith that will comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable? Beth wants to challenge the arbitrary and explore new ways of being together.

Beth is the author of All Souls and the Club Q Vigils, an exploration within Litugy's larger examination of the Rites of Wounded Communities and how her LGBTQIA+ community came together for lamentation and healing after the devastating mass shooting at Club Q in 2022.

Beth is a fierce advocate for a womanist, decolonized, Indigenous matriarchal approach to theology. She is a radical, unapologetic Universalist. Beth's work is based in untangling from late-stage capitalism and extracting the embedded theology that our worth is tied to our productivity.  She believes faith must happen in community, because salvation is communal, not individual. All faith must be held accountable in the community, particularly to the communities it most impacts. Communities that use transformative and restorative pathways to re-center all who get pushed to the margins are the balm for so much of what ails this cultural moment.

Drawing from a lifetime in the performing arts, Beth uses creative and joyful approaches to life and death. She believes in playfulness and humor as healing forces. She aims to always be child-like without ever being childish.

Beth is one of the founders of ABQ FaithWorks, a non-profit collaborative of faith communities committed to working in partnership with communities who are systemically marginalized. This pivotal work draws on interfaith collaboration based outside of Euro-centrism.

Beth is a single parent and is a chosen-family mom to a large jumble of extraordinary people who have found ways to provide a sustainable path of inspiration and love.

My latest projects

Latest Projects

Peaceful Candle and Flowers

Ministry and End-of-Life Work

Officiating, Spiritual Care & Preaching

Beth is currently developing a Death Doula Certification Course for the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. This course will be available in the Fall of 2024. It is open to the community and will enhance the work of those who serve as ministers, chaplains, and in hospice- but also provide a strong foundation and community for those who are caring for loved ones. 

Iliff's Innovation Lab is the hub of this and many other community offerings that serve as justice based community care. Check our their programs:

DEI work:

AI Institute:


Beth, as certified Coach and End-of-Life Doula can provide access to safe, decolonized spiritual care. She can also help with memorials/funerals/life celebrations, from officiating to coordinating, she has the ability to ease the way as communities gather to celebrate their loved ones.


She adores being a guest preacher at UU churches in the PWR. She is also available to officiate weddings, funerals/memorials/life celebrations, Trans milestone celebrations, Menopause rituals, and uncoupling rituals.

You can also find Beth on Stand in Pride, where she will joyfully stand in as chosen parent, grandparent, officiant, or other community for those in the LGBTQIA+ family who want to surround themselves with love when a family-of-origin is unable and/or unwilling.  |  505-250-6786

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